Friday, May 7, 2010

Beginning our adventure

Today is Friday, May 7, 2010. We finally left Dallas on April 27 to New York. We had a wonderful time there, trudging around the city, trying to get our legs in shape for Paris. We rode the subway to get to the museums, the restaurants in the Village and in Chinatown and just to explore neigborhoods. We found a great restaurant in the Village - named De Santos. A small place, but really rocking and the food was great.

On Sunday night, May 2, we boarded a flight to Paris. It was packed to the rafters; very uncomfortable, and the food was just terrible. At least the flight was smooth and fairly short - about 7 hours. We got to Paris about noon and to our hotel near Eiffel Tower. We had stayed at the Tim Hotel in Montmatre a couple of times before and loved the neighborhood. We just wanted to try another neigborhood and signed up for this Tim Hotel.

As the other one, it is a two-star hotel, which means it is light on the amenities. The rooms are very small, but the shower is hot and wonderful - a sign of a good stay. It is also pretty quiet. The neigborhood is great: lots of little cafes and shops and coffee houses. We love it. It is very near a metro stop, so we have gone everywhere already.

We did go back to a couple of restaurants that we liked in Montmartre, but we are making some of own new ones our favorites.

So far we have taken a boat ride, visited the Louvre, the Momartan, the basilica at St. Denis, the Eiffel Tower (though we have not gone up in it...), and Arch of Triumph. The weather has been brisk but nice.

We are in Paris for a few more days; then we go to Amsterdam to begin our investigation of that city and the whole country.

If I can find my blog again, I will make more entries. I am also updating my Facebook page, so our friends can follow our travels.

Signing off this day, Jole

1 comment:

  1. Je suis jaloux! Did you have your portrait painted on Montmarte?? Ellen
